Thursday, January 07, 2010


The Epic Outreach 2010 is under way. Our small team arrived in Helsinki in 3 parts; The Canada gang arrived at 5 p.m. on Jan. 5th, then Yasmine from Switzerland at 8 and then Brenna, a Canadian currently going to school in China, came today (Jan. 7th).

There are 7 of us in total, from left to right,

Michael, Mike, Yasmine, Rylan, Brian, Brenna & Glen.

While we are here in Finland, and the first few days in Russia, we have 3 guys from Mackenzie BC (Geoff, Andy & BJ) as part of our team. Geoff, used to live and run a YWAM base in Northern Norway has many contacts in Finland and is setting up this part of our outreach.

Our arrival in Finland was met by a cold snap.

After spending our first night in Helsinki we hopped on the train to YWAM base called Koivumaki in Siilinjarvi where we will be for 2 nights. We canceled our ice-time today because of the cold, the outdoor rink had no warm room.

Tomorrow we take the train north to Roveniemi (where Santa Claus resides) and will start coaching kids as soon as we arrive and 1 or 2 games are setup. The plan then is to crossover into Russia after that.

Looks like we'll have a terrific team.
Please keep us in your prayers.



YWAM Hockey said...

What a great looking team! You are so on my heart and in my prayers.
Thanks for the update. I still can't believe I'm not with you guys.

Unknown said...

It is great to hear that Brenna is with you! Be blessed.
by the way, the Canucks are leading 1 : NOTHING after the first period against Phoenix

nmars said...

Glad you all arrived safely. What a great team! You are in our prayers here in Nova Scotia.