Thursday, April 10, 2014

Hockey - Summer of Service (HSOS) 2014
YWAM Hockey presents this unique experience that will provide you with a tight-knit community to encourage and challenge you as you travel to Calgary, Alberta, Prince George and Kelowna, British Columbia sharing Christ’s love with today’s youth through week-long hockey camps.
On the HSOS, you will also have the opportunity to serve in different areas of the hockey camp program - on-ice, off-ice, and everything in between. You will be challenged and stretched to try things you've never done before.
Take a step of faith—use your gifts and passion for hockey to impact kids – and learn what it means to be an authentic follower of Jesus.
DATES:           July 9 - August 9

WHO:              Guys/Girls age 18 – 25
                         Hockey playing background - with excellent skating and hockey skills.
                         Desire to learn & grow spiritually

WHERE:         Starts/Ends in Kelowna, BC
Registration Fee: $460.00 CDN plus $35.00 non-refundable application fee

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