Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Back from East Asia
Arrived in city #1 at midnight on Sunday, Jan. 9th and had our first on-ice training the next day. We did 5 straight days of on-ice training on the river where the kids and their coach used wooden pallets as their rink boards.

We then took the fast train to city #2 on Sat. morning Jan.15th and arrived just in time to get to the rink to lead a practice for Yinbin's team of about 30 kids. Spent the next 8 days doing clinics for Yinbin team of mostly boys and a few girls. I was particularily happy to run a clinic for the girls team, coached by Dang Hong (english name is Ruby). This team is a feeder for the womens National Team.

We finished off doing 2 on-ice sessions with another group of 60-70 kids of various ages and skill level WITHOUT A TRANSLATOR! This was a real challenge but we did it.

With each team, at the end of our hockey clinics we hosted a reception, where the kids, coaches and parents got to see some Don Cherry's Rock Em Sock Em, I then gave a talk on what it takes to improve their hockey skills, talked about their heart and how they are created in the image of their Creator.
Overall the receptions were well recieved.

Stay tuned...

1 comment:

brenna said...

:) you got to see yinbin again? I still talk with him quite a bit...super glad to hear i was an amazing experience!